Redis autostart preference pane for OSX Redis.prefpane

Semantic Versioning Semantic Versioning I don’t agree with this 100%, but still this is a well written document and a great default starting place for figuring out what you do want.

Quote from PDX.RB

Here’s an outdated screenshot of a completely artificial benchmark which proves my point! — Ian Dees

Webserver in Bash with Under 100 Lines of code HOWTO: webserver in 100 lines of Bash I haven’t tested this, but its kinda hilarious. Uses bash for logic and basic Unix apps to run.

Your brain on vim This is Your Brain on Vim Its insanity. I love it. ⦂∀

Top 10 Reasons the Ruby Programming Language Sucks The Top 10 Reasons the Ruby Programming Language Sucks Very old, ancient in fact, but still makes a lot of great points.